Education 629: Strategies for Helping ELLs

Visual aids are critical for ensuring that ELL students are reached in the classroom.  My placement is lucky enough to have a SmartBoard, and it has made a world of difference in conveying different concepts to the students.  Not only are students able to hear the teacher’s explanation for certain things, but they are also able to see the processes by which teachers explain their rationale.  I have noticed that the SmartBoard has been a rather engaging tool for ELL students, and they are always so eager to interact with it.  Not only does it make learning more exciting for English speakers, but it allows ELL students the opportunity to gather information in varied formats.  This characteristic is benefit to any type of student.  Having variety in presentation modes is a strategy to use to ensure that there are attempts to reach ELL students with different learning styles.  Visually stimulating aids are one of the reasons that I think a lot of the ELL students in our classroom are so willing to participate.  Making learning exciting is something to which all students can relate, not matter what their first language.

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